Monday, June 8, 2009

Something's Missing?

On Friday we took Addy and Probert for a walk around the neighborhood. A pre-teen boy bent down to pet Addy and said, "Awwwww... I feel so sorry for you!" to her. It was so sweet. I assured him that she didn't even notice that she was missing a leg.


Anonymous said...

Just gave me a freaking heart-attack... I thought the title "Missing" meant little Addy was missing. I was scared and sad for everyone.

That's what I get jumping to conclusions without reading posts!

Emily and Ike said...

OMD! I thought she was missing too. Yikes!

Nicole said...

No more heart attacks! I changed the post title. Sorry! :)

Stella said...

A long time ago, my Mom's cat had kittens and one was born with a hind leg going the wrong way. The vet said it would have to be removed or it would get infected and be trouble. The kitty never seemed to miss its leg and mom's favorite memory is a 6 month old three legged cat coming across the field with a big rabbit in his mouth!That was Hopalong Catsidy!


Flo said...

Oh my...that face! Your pup family could swoon the most non-dog loving person I swear!

Anonymous said...


Nicole said...

Stella: Hehehehe, Hopalong Catsidy! We have a kitty named Hannibal who I often call "Hannibal the Catibal." I love punny pet names. :D