Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I had a wonderful (Dog)Mother's Day with my browns and my lovely step-woof, Greta! Here's a picture of us.

It has since then suddenly become summer in Chicago, with temperatures into the 90s! Probert has been protesting this shock to his system by exploring the cooling properties of different areas of the yard. Yesterday, he tested things out by flopping in an old wooden storage box in the corner of the yard. He is such a weirdo.

A funny thing about this is that I think this is the first time I've ever seen him actually lay down outdoors. Someone is finally becoming a dog after all this time!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Introducing the Ladies

This may sound funny, but in the nearly 1.5 years that Dan and I have been dating, we have yet to fully integrate our dog packs. Well, mostly we have avoided fully introducing Maizy and Greta, our two bossy ladies.

I had a gift certificate for some dog training and we recently used it to meet with a trainer and work on the relationship between those two and I have to say, it was very promising!

So, now we are taking them for walks and letting them in the yard together (with Maizy on a leash still) and things are going great. Greta is getting confident enough that Maizy is not annoyed and Maizy is realizing that she cannot be the boss of everyone.

What a great spring it's going to be!