So, a few weeks ago, I took Maizy in to see yet another orthopaedic specialist about her unusual gait and knee issues. After leaving her there for the day, he determined that she does have one partially and one fully torn ACL in her knees. The surgery that he could do would not repair the tears, but would only shave down the bones to try to slow the progression of the related arthritis. However, his statement to me that she would always have a "high degree" of lameness has put me off of doing the surgery. It just doesn't seem right to me to put her through surgery, rest, recovery, and then another surgery (opposite knee) with more rest and recovery. So, instead, I opted to try her on an NSAID for the arthritis to see if that would help. And what do you know, she's like a new dog! Bouncing around like a puppy and happy as can be. So, I've contacted her regular vet about getting a prescription (the generic "human" variety is cheaper than the branded "dog" version... same medication, less dollars) and I will keep her on that. I know so many people who have had good results with ACL surgeries with their dogs, but I just don't think it's the right thing to do for Maizy when there's so little chance that it will help her enough to be worth the process. Being a dog parent is fully of so many hard decisions!!
P.S. The picture above is from a few weeks ago when Maizy and I led a Doga (yoga for you and your dog!) class at Best Friends All for Doggies in Chicago with all proceeds going to One Tail at a Time rescue!!!